About Not A Professional Photographer

Not A Professional Photographer is a blog about enjoying photography, not trying to be a "Pro Photographer". The owner is Mark Spearman, a guy with a love of photography and writing who enjoys riding motorcycles and taking photos. His photography work can be seen and purchased at Mark Spearman Photography.

In today's world, photography has become a way to communicate. Much like writing, we all do it at some level, it's just a matter of skill level as to the outcome of one's attempts. We all want to be really good at it, but few of us can make it a profession to pay the mortgage. That doesn't make any photographer's good works any lesser than the professional.

There is so much that can be learned from professionals though! It takes an incredible amount of work(or a hell of a trust fund) to attain a true professional status. The professionals nearly always offer tips and advice on their websites, but it's always with the sales pitch towards a newer and better camera or piece of software that they're promoting. Many times, the products they are pushing really are incredible products, but they're just not required to enjoy photography.

I attempt to curate great information for the amateur and serious amatuer photographer and I like to write about my experiences with photography too. There are millions of other sites doing the same thing, but this one is mine.